Thursday 26 July 2012

IMARK Lesson 4: Current Issues and New Ideas

The latest trends in technology and the growth of social networks surely prompt the creation of new services and features. Many social media sites are adapting their tools for mobile use. In Africa and Asia mobile phones are used to sustain development, delivering news about market prices in agriculture and fishery.
Geotagging is now adding geographical information to an image, a blog post, SMS messages, a video or other items, creating data maps. Mash-ups can also be created via google maps.
Different groups and developers can use the power of social networks to facilitate collaborative translation and content localization.
Web 3.0 which is smarter than web 2.0 address aspects of the internet that are potentially possible but not yet feasible from a technical or practical perspective. The web 3.0 is considered the 3rd generation of internet. Protocols and technologies are however still under development.

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