Thursday 26 July 2012

IMARK Lesson 1: Introduction to Web 2.0 and social media

Lesson 1 highlights the importance of social networking site whereby social media can be useful for development workers. A strategic use of social media can be incorporated into our organization and community. Social media allows us to connect and interact with other people, collaborate and do things with others even at great distances, create and share content, and find, use and organize any content that is relevant in our work for instance use of facebook.
Social networking tools also allow us to create groups and connections to other people at an international level. They can also represent challenges in terms of communication and resources.
The use of groupware tools are also more specifically oriented to help a group do things together, such as managing a project or publishing a collective paper, for instance, PB works can be used at work. One can also customize PBworks. The tools for creating content and publishing on the web allow someone to do so while also making it easy to organize, find and re-use information created by others.

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